Are there any ways to avoid demerit of violence in films while keeping freedom of expression ? (Yoshio's mail report)

                               Yoshio Sakurai (copy right)

        I feel that there is too much violence in films today.But because of it, I don't think that violence in films should be regulated.Because first if a certain persons think there is too much violence in a certain movie,he can avoid watching the movie.Second I think freedom of expression is more important than the merit of avoiding the violence in films.

Some people may say that the violence in films desensitizes feelings of people about violence.If it do so,I think filmmakers should take responsibility for crimes that are affected by the violence of the films.If we take such policy,the filmmakers will  not make the movies with too much violence,or they will express at the beginning of the movie such warning :"This movie may desensitize your feeling about violence .We can not take responsibility for any kinds of your disadvantage.If you don't take the responsibility ,please stop watching this movie."

If we do so,I think,we can avoid the demerit of the violence in films without regulating the freedom of expression.

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